
  • Process Post #4

    What audience have I envisioned thus far? When I think about “Hidden Gems” and the people I think I am directing it towards, I think the answer as to who my audience is, is not as obvious as it seems. I mean, of course I would most likely try to gear it towards people in my general age group of 19-30 year olds. Maybe people who already love thrifting and get a high from a good deal like myself. But I also think I want to narrow it down even more. The type of people that I want to target are those who know about thrifting (so they understand the…

  • Process Post #3

    Here we go again! This is actually my second time using WordPress to create a personal/educational website. The first time that I did it, I was taking an online design class as a part of my Broadcasting Program that I completed in 2017. It was a static portfolio page that we had to post our past projects and resume on. So it’s very frustrating that I am still struggling with WordPress. I have been having sooooo much trouble with figuring out how to map out my page. I really want to have a clear and concise menu. I don’t want to have visitors confused about where to find things on…
